Wednesday, February 12, 2014

All About Hypnosis

Why Hypnosis?  Well, why not. 

To date I have received some very interesting ways people show fear about something they know little about.  They don't want me to hurt others and they are liable...They don't want me to control their mind....they don't want me to make them do silly things....they don't want to be stuck in hypnosis....  Thank you, Hollywood!

The truth about hypnosis is that hypnotists don't impose their will on another.  You can't get stuck in hypnosis.  And you can use it to your advantage for a multitude of self-improvement issues.

So what is hypnosis?  It's a natural state and you are in and out of it every single day.  If you are really engrossed in a movie or your favorite television program...and someone tried to get your attention, but were unable to...that would be hypnosis.  It is a relaxed state of intense focus and attention.  Natural and normal. 

So how does hypnosis help with something you want to stopping the habit of smoking?  Hypnosis relaxes your conscious mind and gives the hypnotist the opportunity to speak to the subconscious mind.  During the session, we give you suggestions to become a non smoker and we reinforce it with a CD that you can listen to at home so you form a new habit...becoming a non-smoker. 

It is natural and normal.  There are no side effects and it is lasting.  If you have a strong will and want to commit to making a change for the better, contact me and I will tell you what hypnosis can do for you.  Call 800 827 0339 to find out more....