Monday, December 29, 2014

Keep Your New Year's Resolution

You make your New Year's resolution with the best of intentions. So why do you have so much trouble keeping it?

Many of us want to get motivated to exercise, lose weight, stop smoking or some similar self-improvement goal. We really want the benefits of the change we desire, but achieving that goal may feel monumental. So how can we achieve success and keep our New Year's resolution? When I work with my clients, the first things we do is establish goals for success!

  • Set a well-defined, positive goal that's time-specific. Saying you will “lose weight” is not enough. Make the goal to lose ten pounds in the next three months. You can always set another goal when you attain that one and you will feel so good.
  • Make your goal something that can be measured. “I will exercise is too vague” and can't be measured. A better goal would be, “I will exercise three times a day for one half hour.”
  • Set an achievable, realistic goal. You will get discouraged quickly if it seems out of reach or if you don't see immediate results. Take small steps and get into the “habit” of succeeding.
  • Enlist the help of family, friends, children, parents and co-workers. Let them know what you are doing. Get support, encouragement and an expectation of results.
  • Reward yourself for success.

Once you have established a well-defined goal, there will be moments in the process that cause you to feel challenged. We all feel challenged sometimes, but quitting doesn't have to be the result. Stress, old habits, busy schedules and many other factors can cause us to feel like giving up or not take the time to succeed. Meditation and self-hypnosis are two ways in which to support yourself while you are working to attain your goal. Take the time to relax and unwind so you are equipped to meet any challenges that may come you way. If you have a bad day, go back to the goal, don't abandon it.

It takes time to establish new, positive habits to replace our old habits (28 days), so give yourself the time, effort and planning it takes to get the results you desire. If weight is the issue, then plan ahead and make a beautiful lunch to take with you instead of eating out of the candy machine at the last minute. If you are looking to exercise and your can't “find the time” then pair it with another activity, such as walking with a friend or child during a discussion or at an event. Find ways to make it happen.

Feeling like you are “worth the effort” is a personal challenge for many people with busy lives, but the benefits far outweigh the effort. Find ways to succeed for the New Year. It will be a new habit that will serve you well in many ways throughout 2015.

Friday, June 6, 2014


Who are you and what do you want to be?  Who you are right now does not have to define you for eternity.  You can make changes in anything you desire.  You can reinvent your life!

I'm not talking about being phony.  You don't have to pretend...unless it gets you the confidence you need to take the first step.  If pretending you are a great public speaker gets you to do it when you never thought it possible, by all means, pretend until you get the desired result.  No deception, just changing your mind to accept that it's possible for you to do.

Too often we set limits for ourselves.  These self-imposed limits may be based upon old, antiquated thoughts and perceptions.  We keep these in our subconscious mind and we got these "messages" from parents, peers, teachers and others in the world.  Based upon your perceptions of reality and how others viewed you, you might have formed some "roadblocks" to doing what truly makes you happy and what you want. 

As we get further away from what makes us happy, we don't always think things are possible.  CHANGING YOUR MIND is the first step to thinking things are possible.  Change your mind and create new habits.  Leave the old habits and stale thinking that no longer serve you behind.

Reinvent your life.  Hypnosis can give you the jump start you need to be your happiest!

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Self-Hypnosis, Meditation and Panic Attacks

Self-Hypnosis, Meditation and Panic Attacks
I found out about hypnosis because of the panic attacks I used to have all the time. I experienced every symptom you can have with a panic attack. I ruled out anything medical, yet I was still offered medication and no other solution. I knew that was not something I wanted to just numb myself and that I had to find a way to permanently address the issue. I chose something with no side effects and that would offer a lasting solution. I haven't had a panic attack in approximately 15 years.

I teach clients self-hypnosis for panic attacks and anxiety, as well as for self-improvement and general well-being. ABC News/Nightline anchor Dan Harris has written a book on meditation and the benefits to him personally. Self-hypnosis and meditation are very similar. Both induce a relaxed state that has been shown to improve areas of your brain, your thoughts and your mood. The way you think affects your body, your health and your daily life experience.

You can learn self-hypnosis with me on April 5th in Mount Cobb PA. If you're not from here, you might still want to attend because visiting this area is wonderful. If you are not able to attend, I will be selling Self-Hypnosis DVDs to those who are interested. I have an instructional video for people who want to learn the amazing benefits of self-hypnosis. The more you practice, the better you get. Contact me if you or someone you know are interested.

To view Dan Harris' video about his experience with meditation, visit this link.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

All About Hypnosis

Why Hypnosis?  Well, why not. 

To date I have received some very interesting ways people show fear about something they know little about.  They don't want me to hurt others and they are liable...They don't want me to control their mind....they don't want me to make them do silly things....they don't want to be stuck in hypnosis....  Thank you, Hollywood!

The truth about hypnosis is that hypnotists don't impose their will on another.  You can't get stuck in hypnosis.  And you can use it to your advantage for a multitude of self-improvement issues.

So what is hypnosis?  It's a natural state and you are in and out of it every single day.  If you are really engrossed in a movie or your favorite television program...and someone tried to get your attention, but were unable to...that would be hypnosis.  It is a relaxed state of intense focus and attention.  Natural and normal. 

So how does hypnosis help with something you want to stopping the habit of smoking?  Hypnosis relaxes your conscious mind and gives the hypnotist the opportunity to speak to the subconscious mind.  During the session, we give you suggestions to become a non smoker and we reinforce it with a CD that you can listen to at home so you form a new habit...becoming a non-smoker. 

It is natural and normal.  There are no side effects and it is lasting.  If you have a strong will and want to commit to making a change for the better, contact me and I will tell you what hypnosis can do for you.  Call 800 827 0339 to find out more....